We believe that giving comes from the overflow of one’s love for God. It is done not out of obligation, but as a "cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:6-7) to join the mission of God. New Life Community Church does not exist without the giving of people just like you. Thank you!
Frequently Asked Questions
God loves a cheerful giver!
What does it mean to tithe?
The word “tithe” means “tenth.” We believe to tithe or give ten percent is the minimum starting point as reflected in Christian generosity throughout Scripture. God owns everything, and we cheerfully give back what is already His. We encourage you to consider the stewardship of your money through biblical principles and watch as God is glorified through your giving!
Financial giving is divided into tithes and offerings. An offering, which is giving beyond your tithe, is an added opportunity to be generous in areas where God specifically touches your heart. An offering can be a direct gift to someone in need, or a donation to a charitable organization or program. Some of these programs at NLC include: Soup for Souls, Missionary Support, It’s A New Life! Missional Coffee & Cafe, and other special projects.
Why do churches talk about money and finances so much?
Jesus spoke more about money than he did about heaven and hell combined. People take different spiritual steps at different times. Giving is a critical spiritual step, and it comes at different times for different people. Like all other spiritual disciplines, giving draws us closer to God, and God expects that faithful followers of Christ will be joyful and generous givers. Paul is so concerned about our tendency to separate our giving from our living of the Christian life that he admonishes us to excel in the grace of giving (2 Corinthians 8:7). Giving is an essential part of the Christian life.
The church mentions money frequently because money is a frequent area of spiritual attack. The enemy wants to rob the church of the joy of giving and allow the church to excuse its failure to give. He does this because a church that gives generously is a church that knows the joy of the Lord and is impacting its community. We refuse to believe the lie that we can be devoted followers of Christ while we are stingy with God’s resources.
Jesus tells us, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). The questions God is calling us to consider are, “Do you really love Christ and his gospel?” “What is Christ worth?” and “How much do you long for the progress of the gospel?” According to Jesus, your answers to these questions are found in where you place your treasure. What does your treasure say about your heart for Christ and his gospel?
What if I am financially struggling or can’t afford to give right now?
Even in times of scarcity, God wants our hearts. The widow who gave her last mite did not make a very big financial contribution, but Jesus said she gave the largest gift of all. LET’S GO is about all of us coming together, giving generously, and trusting God to do the rest. It may mean that God is asking you to trust Him by making a faith commitment that you do not know how to fulfill right now. God has supplied our every need in Christ, and we trust that he will honor a heart that wants to give generously in response to the gospel. To reach the Northeast and beyond, it will take all of us striving together—for each other, for our neighbors, and for our world.
There may also be ways to be sacrificial with your lifestyle to create margin for generosity in your life. Some will cancel cable, and some will ditch the smartphone plan and return to a basic cell phone. Others will play a little less golf, and still others will forego a few caramel macchiatos every week. Some families will buy a smaller home or rent a smaller apartment to be able to give generously for the progress of the gospel. Find ways to involve the entire family in the process of giving generously. Use this as an opportunity to teach children and grandchildren to obey the Lord with a generous heart and to trust Him. This is a great opportunity to take a look at our overall stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us.
Where does my giving go?
All giving goes to advance the mission and vision of NLC and our LET’S GO initiative!